I make my leather bags individually. Nothing is mass produced. This means that you can be assured that your bag is a true, one-of-a-kind, bespoke leather bag. They can take me a week or more to make by hand. This includes all of the cutting, edging, stitching, and finishing.
A large leather briefcase or leather messenger bag can use an entire bridle butt to make. A bridle butt is the back end and one side of the cow. Bridle butts are one of the most expensive and best quality cuts of leather. This bridle butt leather is around 3.5mm-4mm thick and is very strong. Smaller leather messenger bags and leather handbags may use a bridle shoulder. Shoulder leather is a bit softer than bridle butt but is still one of the best leathers that money can buy.
Don't believe any hype that another supplier may make. Veg-Tan leather is by far the best leather with Full grain bridle butt being the best cut that there is. Needless to say for my big bags I use vegetable tanned bridle butt from JE Sedgwick. The best bridle leather in the World.
I may also use leathers from Metropolitan Leather for various bags depending on the design.
Designs of my leather bags, briefcases, messenger bags, and handbags are all bespoke. I do not use a plan or common design. This means that your bag is individual and will not be seen being carried by anyone else.
Stitching is carried out by hand. Yes that is right! by hand! I don't use a machine to make any of my handmade leather items. This takes time and goes towards making each leather bag individual. A small bag may take a day to finish the stitching. A large twin gusset leather briefcase can easily take a week or more of hand stitching.
Why should you choose Oakside Saddlery?
Leather Colours
Simon Harrison
Oakside Saddlery
67 Windmill Rise
ME12 3QA