www.oaksidebelts.co.uk for a unique belt to suit modern styles.
Nicky Harrison Dressage Professional Dressage/Flatwork Instructor, Holiday Livery, Full Livery, and Schooling Livery in Kent, UK
Memories of a Sheppey Farmer Dave Goodwin fondly remembers his years as a farmer in Minster on the Isle of Sheppy, Kent
Cheltenham Dressage Professional dressage livery and training from Sue McMahon and Gary McKenna
Saddler - Clive Bending 01622 743213 mobile 07976248636
Farrier - Ian Jackson 07860682379
Renapur leather balsam
Abbey England Saddlery and Craft Supplies
J&FJ Baker Leather Supplier
Unit Conversion for the metric/Imperial conversions